Below are some YouTube links, websites and books that may be of help.
You can follow this site on Facebook for counselling and trauma therapy related posts and links.
Current favourite resources
Blue Knot Foundation - The Blue Knot Foundation is Australian and provides information sheets, articles, and some free phone counselling services for survivors of childhood trauma and their carers. There are many useful facts sheets about traumatic response and practice guidelines for the law and mental health practitioners. To find out more:
Deb Dana - Deb has made the Polyvagal theory very accessible and has many practices for understanding and regulating your nervous system and emotional states.
Sukie Baxter - Sukie is a Somatic Experiencing gal and has some great YouTube videos with vagus nerve and other exercises to support nervous system health and sense of wellbeing. and
Jason Siff - Meditation teacher and psychotherapist, Jason Siff, has a lovely, gentle approach to meditation. Check out his book, Unlearning Meditation, or check out YouTube for some videos. He also runs regular webinars and is a one-on-one meditation teacher.
Gottman Institute – For all relationship support. The practices and information are useful not just for partnerships but also for friendships and family support.
Parent Skills – Local practitioner, Larissa Dan offers support and guidance around parenting matters. She uses the P.E.T. model which focuses on respect, helping children to feel empowered to solve their own challenges.
Prune Harris – Energy medicine, drawing on traditional Chinese medicine and other energy system understandings of the body/mind needs. Some of this may feel a bit woo-woo to some and for others can be really helpful.
Barri Tessler - The Art of Money is a helpful book for those who are struggling to find ways to relate to money. Barri trained as a somatic psychotherapist before finding a love of supporting people to make sense of why money feels hard for them and find ways to feel more ease.
Laura Van Dernoot and Connie Burk - Trauma Stewardship is a book dedicated to those who work in fields where there is trauma exposure. This holistic approach to understanding vicarious trauma and finding meaning and practices to help us keep whole and well while helping others to also find their way through traumatic times and responses. Lissa Rankin – A doctor who decided to widen her understanding of how the human body can find healing. Has written an interesting book called Mind Over Medicine. Takes an integrative and holistic approach with an emphasis on listening more deeply to our body mind and spirit for healing and thriving.
Veronique Mead – Trauma and chronic illness Another doctor who holds a broad view of making sense of illness. She links trauma with chronic illnesses; has much alignment with SE practices. Free info and resources.
Yoga With Adriene – On-line yoga with lots of options for exploration and play at home. Here is her YouTube site:
Peter Levine on youtube - there's some great stuff. I also appreciate Irene Lyon's practical applications. These can make a nice compliment to any work we do together.
And, check out Eckhart Tolle, Tara Brach, Pema Chodron, Prune Harris on YouTube, and on
This is a lovely article about creating good conditions for the outcomes we want: both for artful living and artistic endeavours (read it even if you don't think you're creative - super useful tips in here for everyday life)
Dan Siegel is a bit more cerebral, but he has some great insights into self-care, parenting, and how healing happens. He also has some lovely free resources that are worth checking out:
The Gottman Institute is awash with infor for couples and also parenting tips.